Tuesday 27 May 2008

Prevent Heart Disease With Flax Seed

Diet and lifestyle dictate the conditions of the human heart. In fact, certain dietary preferences can make or break the physiology of this vital organ and the bodily systems that support its functions. Consider a diet frequently enriched with heaving grams of saturated fats and transfats over salty and greasy meals. This likely promotes hypertension and the gradual build up of cholesterol plaque over the arterial walls which can obstruct the transport of oxygen and blood towards the heart over time, to trigger the onset of heart diseases and other cardiovascular problems. Meanwhile, immense cravings for processed food items packed with carbohydrates, refined sugars and preservatives could upset regular blood sugar levels which become the precursor to pre-diabetes. Complement this diet of empty calories with a sedentary lifestyle and soon enough one would be on the threshold of diabetes mellitus. According to pertinent statistics, 75% of those diagnosed with type II diabetes die of cardiovascular illnesses-including heart disease.

In view of these health-averse diets and lifestyles, is there a way to mitigate its harmful effects on our cardiovascular system, particularly with the heart? Begin with a modest diet shift towards low-fat, low-salt and high nutrition meals. Integrate a mild exercise routine daily and you'll be on your way to averting the risks of elevated blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Though if you prefer a natural dietary support for the cardiovascular system that would strongly prevent the future incidence of heart failure, consider a supplementation of flax seed daily.

On top of the portfolio of nutrients readily available in every serving of milled flax seed is the essential fatty acid called Omega 3, an unsaturated type of fat not synthesized by the body and should therefore be obtained from the diet. The heart healthy benefits of Omega 3 in flax seed emanates from its conveyance of the good cholesterol or HDL into the bloodstream that sweeps the walls of the arteries from an undue build up of bad cholesterol or LDL. These help tone down blood pressure levels and stabilize cardiovascular conditions as well. Moreover, Omega 3 aids in the regulation of metabolic functions that makes flax seed an ideal dietary supplement for pre-diabetics and diabetics alike, likewise due to the nutrient's ability to soothe elevated blood sugar readings.

What are the chances of being diagnosed with heart problems later on in life given our diets and lifestyles? But then again, why reckon its likelihood when you can actually prevent these risks from taking shape through a modest diet change, exercise and of course the daily intake of milled flax seed sprinkled over meals as a dietary supplement. Flax seed supplementation is the approach to a healthy heart!

Bruce Maul is a partner in Gold Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed and Health related products. Learn more about Flax Seed by visiting http://www.goldflaxseed.com

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